0706505232 - Politics(Political) and Elections Campaign Management Software for 2022 Management and Strategy for Personal Campaigns Technology -SMS and Voters Membership System in Kenya Towns -  Ukunda  ,Voi  ,Wajir  ,Watamu  ,Kathiani  ,Kericho  ,Keroka  ,Kerugoya Kutus  ,Kiambu  ,Kibwezi  ,Kilifi  ,Kimilili  ,Kinamba 
,Kinna  ,Kiria-Ini  ,Kisii  ,Kisumu KenyaKitale  ,Kitui  ,Laisamis  ,Lamu  ,Lare  ,Limuru  ,Salgaa  ,Siakago  ,Siaya  ,Sindo  ,Sololo  ,Sultan Hamud  ,Taveta  ,Archerspost  ,Maseno  ,Masii  ,Maunarok  ,Mazeras  ,Mbita Point  ,Merti  ,Mitunguu  ,Mogonga  ,Mogotio  ,Molo  ,Mombasa KenyaMtito Andei  ,Muhuru Bay  ,Muranga  ,Mwatate  ,Mweiga  ,Mwingi  ,Nairagieenkare  ,Nairobi KenyaNaivasha  ,Nanyuki  ,Narok  ,Naromoru  ,Ndori  ,Ngong’  ,Njabini  ,Nyahururu  ,Kisumu city Bahati  ,nairobi county nairobi CBDBaragoi  ,Baringo  ,Bissil  ,Bomet  ,Bumala  ,Bungoma  ,Busia  ,Butere  ,Cheptais  ,Chogoria  ,village Chuka  ,Daadab  ,Dundori  ,Eldama Ravine  ,Eldoret  ,Embu  ,Endarasha  ,Funyula  ,Garbatula  ,Garissa  ,Gatundu  ,Hola  ,Homa Bay ownIsiolo  ,Iten  ,Juakali  ,Kabarnet  ,Kabati  ,Kabuti  ,Kagio  ,Kagumo  ,Kajiado  ,Kakamega  ,Kakuma  ,Kaloleni  ,Kandara  ,Kangari  ,Kangema  ,Kangundo  ,Kapcherop  ,Kapenguria  ,Kapenguria  ,Kapsabet  ,Kapsokwony  ,Kapsowar  ,Karatina  ,Thika  ,Timboroa  ,Tongaren  ,Ugunja  ,Webuye  ,Wote  ,Wundanyi  ,Yala  ,Lodwar  ,Loiyangalani  ,Lokichogio  ,Lolgorian  ,Lungalunga  ,Machakos  ,Machinery  ,Magarini  ,Majimazuri  ,Malindi  ,Mandera  ,Maralal  ,Marereni  ,Nyakach  ,Nyamache  ,Nyamarambe  ,Nyamira  ,Nyansiongo  ,Nyeri  ,Ogembo  ,Olenguruone  ,Ol Kalou  ,Othaya  ,Rongai  ,Ruiru  ,Runyenjes  ,

Our political campaign software allows you to win Kenya elections 2022 by leveraging different tactics and strategies implemented in our software.

The software features include:-

SMS Commmunications System To Political GateKeepers in the County Areas 

SMS to Target voter groups in county

Announcements and Events Communication to potential voters
County Campaigns management - For President, Governor, Senator and MCA Political Elections
Campaign Management.
Online Social media presence for politicians
SMS Communications for Events
Mobile and SMS enabled
Website Registration
Management of events and announcement threads with Ical export support
Upload, manage, and view photos in a photo gallery
Profile fields can be configured
Fee configurable lists of members
Free configuration of groups, departments & properties
Individual rights assignment to groups, departments & properties
Adjusting the layout using various plugins
Personal Parallel Votes Tallying communication and counting Sms communication reports by your polling station agents.
Access by multiple organizations on a database and membership data